The Evolution of Sports Analytics – A Historical Overview

What Role Have Analytics Played in the Evolution of Sports Betting?

Sports betting has been around since ancient times, but the role analytics have played in its evolution is a relatively new concept. Since the introduction of analytics, sports betting has become more precise, allowing bettors to make informed decisions and improve their chances of winning.

At its simplest, analytics can be used to measure the performance of a team, player, or individual. By gathering data from previous games, analytics can be used to predict a team’s performance in the future. Through analytics, bettors can determine the most likely outcome of a game and use this information to make informed decisions about which bets to place.

Analytics also provide bettors with information about the odds of each bet. By using analytics, bettors can identify which bets are more likely to be successful, or less likely to be successful, and use this knowledge to improve their chances of winning. For example, a bettor may use analytics to determine that the odds of a particular team winning are 75%, and therefore make a bet based on this information.

In addition to using analytics to help identify profitable bets, sportsbooks also use analytics to set lines. Sportsbooks use analytics to analyze the data from previous games and set lines that accurately reflect the probability of each outcome. This helps to ensure that the sportsbook is not being taken advantage of by bettors who have an edge over them.

The use of analytics has also helped sportsbooks to increase their profits. Sportsbooks use analytics to identify trends in betting behavior, allowing them to adjust their lines accordingly. This helps them to maximize their profits and minimize their losses. For example, if a sportsbook notices that a majority of bettors are betting on a certain outcome, they can set their lines to favor that outcome, thus increasing their profits.

Finally, analytics have also been used to create new types of betting. For example, fantasy sports have become increasingly popular in recent years, and analytics have been used to develop new forms of betting, such as props and parlays.

Overall, analytics have played a major role in the evolution of sports betting. By using analytics to measure performance, identify profitable bets, set lines, and create new forms of betting, sportsbooks have been able to increase their profits, while bettors have been able to make more informed decisions and improve their chances of winning. This has made sports betting more popular and profitable than ever before, with the global sports betting market estimated to be worth over $120 billion USD by 2024.

What Are the Different Types of Sports Analytics?

Sports analytics has grown exponentially in popularity since its inception in the early 2000s. It has become a staple of the sports industry, used to aid teams in data-driven decisions and enhance fan engagement. But what exactly is sports analytics? Put simply, sports analytics is the use of data points to gain insights into the performance of teams and players. This is done through the analysis of past and present statistics, trends, and other data.

At its core, sports analytics is a form of predictive analytics. It is used to identify patterns and trends that can be used to make predictions about future performance. It can also be used to optimize team strategies, assess player performance, and compare teams. By harnessing data points, sports analytics can provide valuable insights into the sport and help teams and players make decisions based on the data they collect.

There are a variety of different types of sports analytics, each of which serve a different purpose. For example, injury analytics are used to identify the most common injuries in a particular sport, as well as the likelihood of an injury occurring. This data can be used to create preventative measures to reduce the risk of injury and optimize team performance.

Performance analytics are another type of sports analytics and are used to evaluate the performance of teams and players. This data can be used to identify trends and compare players and teams against one another. It can also be used to understand how teams and players perform in certain situations, such as home games versus away games. Performance analytics can also be used to measure the effectiveness of certain strategies and tactics.

Financial analytics are another type of sports analytics and are used to analyze the financial performance of teams and players. This data can be used to determine the value of players and teams, as well as the financial impact of signing a particular player. It can also be used to identify potential opportunities for investment and to make decisions about team payrolls and contract negotiations.

Finally, fan analytics are used to measure the engagement of fans with teams and players. This data can be used to understand how fans interact with teams and players, as well as the value that they bring to the sport. It can also be used to identify potential marketing and advertising opportunities, as well as ways to increase fan engagement.

In the end, sports analytics is a powerful tool that can be used to gain valuable insights into the sport and help teams and players make data-driven decisions. By understanding the different types of sports analytics and how they can be used, teams and players can gain an edge over their competition and enhance their performance.

What Are the Benefits of Using Sports Analytics?

Sports analytics is a relatively new field that has revolutionized the way that coaches, managers, and players approach the game. The use of data and analytics provides teams with a competitive edge that can be used to make better decisions on the field and in the front office. With the advent of advanced analytics, teams can now analyze every aspect of their performance, from player development to team performance, in order to gain insight and make more informed decisions.

One of the primary benefits of using sports analytics is the ability to gain a better understanding of a team’s strengths and weaknesses. Teams can use analytics to track their performance across different metrics, such as shooting accuracy, defensive stops, and scoring efficiency. With this information, teams can make more informed decisions about how to adjust their strategies and tactics during the game. For example, if a team notices that its shooting accuracy is lower than normal, it can alter its offensive strategy to focus on more open shots.

Analytics can also be used to identify the most effective players and strategies for a given team. By tracking the performance of individual players, teams can evaluate the effectiveness of different lineups and strategies to determine which ones are most effective. Teams can also identify areas where they need to improve and make adjustments to their approach. This can help teams maximize their performance and give them a competitive edge over their opponents.

Another benefit of using sports analytics is the ability to identify potential weaknesses in a team’s roster. By tracking the performance of individual players, teams can identify areas where certain players are not performing as well as expected. This can help teams identify potential areas for improvement and can also help them identify potential trade targets.

Finally, sports analytics can be used to identify potential market inefficiencies. By analyzing the performance of teams and players across different metrics, teams can identify potential areas where they can acquire talent at a lower cost than expected. This can be especially beneficial for smaller market teams who may not have the resources to compete with larger market teams.

In summary, sports analytics has revolutionized the way teams approach the game and has provided teams with a competitive edge. By analyzing the performance of teams and players across different metrics, teams can gain a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, identify potential areas for improvement, and identify potential market inefficiencies. With the use of analytics, teams can approach the game with greater precision and make more informed decisions on and off the field.

How Has Sports Analytics Technology Advanced Over Time?

Sports analytics technology has advanced significantly over the past decade, as teams and organizations in virtually every sport have embraced the use of analytics to gain a competitive edge. In the early days of sports analytics, statistical analysis of player performance was done manually and was often limited to basic statistics, such as batting averages in baseball or field goal percentages in basketball. Today, sports analytics technology has become far more sophisticated and is used to measure a wide range of performance metrics.

One of the most notable advances in sports analytics technology has been the introduction of advanced analytics software. In the early 2000s, sports teams began to use analytics software to track and analyze player performance in real-time. This software has allowed teams to gain insights on player performance and game strategies that would have been impossible to measure in the past. For example, baseball teams can now measure the launch angle and exit velocity of a player’s hit, while basketball teams can track a player’s three-point shooting efficiency from different spots on the court.

Another major advancement in sports analytics technology has been the introduction of machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI). These algorithms are used to analyze data from a variety of sources, such as player performance, game stats, and video footage. AI can also be used to generate insights about a team or player that would be difficult to uncover through traditional methods. For example, AI can be used to identify patterns in a player’s performance that could indicate an injury or a need for a change in strategy.

The use of sports analytics technology has become a multi-billion dollar industry. According to a 2019 report by Grand View Research, the global sports analytics market was valued at USD 2.84 billion in 2018 and is expected to reach USD 8.23 billion by 2025. This growth is due in part to the increasing number of teams and organizations that are investing in analytics technology to gain a competitive edge.

In addition to the major advancements in sports analytics technology, there have also been numerous smaller improvements over the years. For example, teams can now use data-driven scouting tools to recruit players and build rosters that are tailored to their specific strategies. Teams are also using data to optimize their training programs and develop strategies that are tailored to the strengths and weaknesses of their players.

As sports analytics technology continues to evolve, so too will the opportunities for teams to gain a competitive advantage. By leveraging the power of analytics, teams can gain insights into player performance and game strategies that would have been impossible to measure in the past. This will help teams to become more successful and will ultimately lead to an even more exciting and competitive sports landscape.

What Are the Challenges of Using Sports Analytics?

Sports analytics is a rapidly growing field that has revolutionized the way teams and athletes approach their respective sports. However, with the growing popularity of sports analytics, there are several challenges that must be addressed.

The first challenge is a lack of data. While sports analytics has become increasingly data-driven, many sports organizations do not have the necessary data collection capabilities or resources to produce meaningful analytics. This can be costly, as data collection and analysis can cost anywhere from $50,000 to $150,000 USD per season. This can be especially difficult for smaller sports organizations or teams on a limited budget.

Another challenge is the accuracy of predictive analytics. While predictive analytics has been widely used in sports analytics, there are still many factors that can affect the accuracy of the predictions. Weather, injuries, and player performance can all affect the outcome of a game and can be difficult to predict. Additionally, the quality of the data collected can also have an impact on the accuracy of predictive analytics.

Finally, there is the challenge of understanding the data. While data collection and predictive analytics can be valuable tools, they are often only as good as the people who interpret the data. Many teams and athletes lack the experience and knowledge needed to interpret the data in a meaningful way. Additionally, the data must be presented in a way that is easy to understand, which can be difficult for those with limited analytics experience.

Overall, sports analytics can be a powerful tool for teams and athletes. However, there are several challenges that must be addressed before teams and athletes can get the most out of the data. From a lack of data to the difficulty of understanding the data, these challenges require teams and athletes to invest in analytics expertise and resources. With the right approach, sports analytics can provide invaluable insights and help teams and athletes succeed.

How Has the Use of Sports Analytics Changed Sports Betting?

Sports analytics has come a long way since its introduction in the early 2000s. It has completely changed the way people bet on sports, and the way teams play the game. Sports analytics tools have been utilized to gain an edge in sports betting, as well as to develop strategies for teams and players. With the use of sports analytics, bettors are now able to identify trends, make better decisions, and increase their chances of winning.

The use of sports analytics in sports betting began with the introduction of sports data services. Sports data services provide detailed information on teams, players, and games. This data can include statistics on team performance, player performance, and game outcomes. This data helps bettors identify trends and make more informed decisions when placing bets.

Sports analytics has also been used to help teams and players develop strategies. This can include analyzing data on past games and developing strategies for future games. For example, an analytics team can look at data from past games and identify patterns in the way the team or player performed. This data can then be used to create a strategy for future games.

Sports analytics has also been used to increase the accuracy of sports predictions. This can be done by analyzing data from past games and using predictive analytics to determine the likelihood of certain outcomes. For example, an analytics team can look at data on past games involving the same teams and players and use predictive analytics to determine the likelihood of a certain outcome in the next game. This can then be used to help bettors make more informed decisions.

Sports analytics has also enabled teams and players to gain a competitive edge against their opponents. Sports analytics can be used to identify weaknesses in opponents and create strategies to exploit them. For example, an analytics team can look at data from past games involving the same opponents and identify areas where the opponent is weak. This data can then be used to create a strategy for upcoming games.

Finally, sports analytics has been used to increase the profitability of sports betting. By analyzing data from past games and utilizing predictive analytics, bettors can identify trends and make more informed decisions when placing bets. This can help bettors increase their winnings and reduce the chances of making a loss. For example, an analytics team may look at data on past games and identify trends in the way teams or players performed. This data can then be used to make more informed decisions about future games and increase the chances of making a profit.

Overall, the use of sports analytics has had a profound impact on sports betting. With the use of sports analytics, bettors can identify trends, make better decisions, and increase their chances of winning. Additionally, teams and players can gain an edge against their opponents and increase the profitability of sports betting. With the continued development of sports analytics and predictive analytics, sports betting is likely to become even more popular in the future.

What Are the Benefits of Sports Analytics to Sports Betting?

Sports analytics has come a long way since its inception. From the early days of analyzing sports data to the current age of sports betting, the use of analytics has revolutionized the way people bet on sports. The use of sports analytics has allowed bookmakers to gain a better understanding of the game, giving them a competitive edge when setting odds and lines for bettors. This has led to some significant benefits for sports bettors, including improved accuracy in their wagers, better returns, and more efficient use of their money.

One of the primary benefits of sports analytics is the improved accuracy of wagers. By utilizing data collected from past games, bookmakers are able to better assess team performance and predict the outcome of future games. This increased accuracy in predictions has allowed bettors to make more informed decisions when placing their wagers. For example, if a bookmaker knows that a certain team has a higher probability of winning a certain game, they can adjust the odds accordingly, giving bettors a better chance of making a successful bet.

Another benefit of sports analytics is the improved returns it can provide to bettors. By utilizing the data collected from past games, bookmakers can create more accurate odds that favor the bettors. This means that bettors can get higher payouts for their winning wagers, allowing them to make more money in the long run. For instance, if a bookmaker knows that a certain team is more likely to win a certain game, they can adjust the betting line to reflect this, resulting in a higher payout for the bettor if they win.

Finally, sports analytics can also help bettors make more efficient use of their money. By utilizing the data collected from past games, bookmakers can create better lines and odds that are more favorable to the bettors. This allows bettors to choose more sensible wagers, as they can more accurately assess the odds of a given game. For instance, if a bookmaker knows that a certain team has a higher probability of winning a certain game, they can adjust the betting line to reflect this, allowing bettors to choose more sensible wagers that have a higher probability of paying out.

Overall, the use of sports analytics has revolutionized the way people bet on sports, allowing bookmakers to gain a better understanding of the game and giving bettors a competitive edge when placing their wagers. This has resulted in improved accuracy in their wagers, higher payouts for their winning wagers, and more efficient use of their money. For instance, if a bookmaker knows that a certain team has a higher probability of winning a certain game, they can adjust the betting line to reflect this, resulting in a higher payout of up to $500 for the bettor if they win. Sports analytics has truly revolutionized the way people bet on sports and has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for bettors.

What Are the Risks Associated with Using Sports Analytics?

Sports analytics has been around longer than most people might think. It can be traced back to the early 20th century when baseball teams began using data to measure player performance. Since then, sports analytics has grown in popularity and more teams and leagues are using it to gain a competitive edge. However, there are certain risks associated with using sports analytics that must be considered.

One risk associated with using sports analytics is the cost. Building a sports analytics team can be expensive, especially for smaller teams or leagues. A team may need to hire analysts, data scientists, and software developers, as well as invest in computing infrastructure, which can easily cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Additionally, the data gathered from sports analytics may be outdated quickly, which can lead to costly investments in new data sets and technologies.

Another risk of using sports analytics is the potential for misuse. Teams can use sports analytics to gain an advantage over their opponents, but they must be careful not to use the data to make decisions that are unfair or unethical. For example, if a team uses analytics to determine which players they should sign, they must be sure not to exclude players based on their race, gender, or other personal characteristics.

Finally, sports analytics can also be prone to errors. There is always a risk that the data gathered and analyzed is inaccurate or misinterpreted. Teams must use caution when interpreting data, as even the slightest mistake can have serious consequences. Additionally, teams must ensure that the data being used is reliable and up-to-date, as outdated data can lead to faulty conclusions.

In conclusion, although sports analytics can be a powerful tool for teams and leagues to gain a competitive advantage, there are certain risks associated with using it. Teams must be prepared to invest in a sports analytics team, be aware of potential misuse, and be cautious when interpreting data. By taking the necessary precautions, teams and leagues can maximize the benefits of sports analytics while minimizing the associated risks.

How Do Sports Analytics Affect the Outcomes of Sports Betting?

Sports analytics have had an enormous effect on the outcomes of sports betting, allowing bettors to make more informed decisions when placing wagers. For beginners, a basic understanding of analytics is essential to ensure that they can make sense of the data and use it to their advantage.

Sports analytics are the practice of collecting and analyzing data from sports events to gain insights about team and player performance. Traditionally, this data was collected manually, but modern analytics have become much more sophisticated, relying on advanced statistics and machine learning to identify patterns in the data and provide insights.

Analytics can be used to predict the outcome of a game, giving bettors an edge in sports betting. The most popular analytics-based betting strategies involve understanding the performance of a team or player over time, analyzing their performance in specific situations, and leveraging the insights gained from the data to make more informed wagers.

For example, a bettor may use analytics to understand how a team performs when playing at home versus on the road. By examining the data, they may find that the team performs better when playing at home, and they can use this insight to make a more informed bet. Similarly, a bettor can use analytics to identify how a player performs under different conditions, such as against different opponents or in different weather conditions.

Analytics can also be used to identify trends in the betting market. For example, a bettor may use analytics to identify which teams and players are being heavily bet on, which can help them identify potential value bets. Similarly, they can use analytics to identify which teams and players are being undervalued by the market, allowing them to take advantage of potential opportunities.

The use of analytics in sports betting has also allowed for more sophisticated wagering strategies, such as hedging. Hedging is a strategy in which a bettor places multiple bets on the same game, but with different outcomes. For example, a bettor may place a $100 bet on Team A to win, and then place a $100 bet on Team B to win in case Team A does not win. This strategy allows bettors to mitigate their risk and increase their potential profits.

Overall, analytics have had a profound effect on the outcomes of sports betting, allowing bettors to make more informed decisions and use more sophisticated strategies. For beginners, understanding the basics of analytics is essential to ensure that they can make sense of the data and use it to their advantage.

What Are the Legal Implications of Sports Analytics?

Sports analytics has drastically evolved over the years, and with this evolution comes a variety of legal implications. It has become increasingly common for teams and organizations to utilize sports analytics as part of their decision-making processes, which can have a significant influence on their overall success. However, due to the often secretive nature of sports analytics, there are a number of legal considerations which need to be taken into account when using this technology.

One of the primary legal implications of sports analytics is the issue of ownership. In many cases, the data and information gathered through sports analytics can be highly valuable, and the organizations that own this data may be entitled to certain rights over its use and distribution. This is especially true when it comes to proprietary information, such as team strategies or player performance data. As a result, organizations must ensure they have the proper legal agreements in place when utilizing sports analytics in order to protect their ownership rights.

Another legal implication of sports analytics relates to player contracts. When teams and organizations utilize sports analytics to make decisions about how to best deploy their players, they must ensure that any contract terms are complied with. This is especially true in cases where the terms of the contract may be impacted by the use of sports analytics. For example, if a team decides to use analytics to determine that a certain player should receive a higher salary, they must ensure that the player’s contract allows for this salary increase.

Privacy is another legal implication of sports analytics that must be taken into account. Teams and organizations must ensure that any data collected through the use of sports analytics is kept secure, and that any personal information associated with the data is not shared without the express consent of the individual. This includes information such as medical records or financial information, which must be kept confidential.

Finally, there are legal implications associated with the use of analytics to help teams and organizations make decisions. For example, if a team uses analytics to determine that a particular player should be traded, they must ensure that the player has been given proper notice and that any applicable rules or regulations have been followed. Similarly, if a team uses analytics to determine that a certain player should receive a salary increase, they must ensure that the salary increase is in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Overall, there are a variety of legal implications associated with the use of sports analytics. As a result, organizations must take the necessary steps to ensure that any data collected or decisions made are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. This includes ensuring that the proper legal agreements are in place to protect ownership rights, that player contracts are adhered to, that privacy is protected, and that any decisions made are compliant with applicable laws and regulations.

How Are Sports Analytics Used in Other Sports Industries?

Sports analytics have come a long way since they first emerged in the sports industry. Initially used mainly to track and analyze an athlete’s performance, they have since become a valuable tool that can be used in other sports industries, such as marketing, media, and customer engagement.

Sports analytics allow companies to better understand their target audience by collecting data on their preferences and behaviors. This data can then be used to better tailor marketing strategies and campaigns to the target audience. For example, a sports analytics platform can track the number of views a particular advertisement or promotional video has received, allowing the company to see what content resonates with their fans and make adjustments accordingly.

Data gathered from sports analytics can also help companies create more effective pricing strategies. By tracking the number of tickets sold for a given event and the average ticket price, companies can identify and address areas where they are under- or overcharging for tickets. For example, if a team discovers that tickets for a particular game are consistently selling out at a lower price than similar games, they can adjust their ticket prices accordingly to maximize their profits.

Sports analytics can also be used to measure the effectiveness of a team’s media presence. Platforms like Google Analytics allow teams to track the number of likes, shares, and clicks their content is receiving. This data can then be used to determine which types of content are resonating with the team’s fans and where the team should focus their media efforts in the future.

Finally, sports analytics can be used to improve customer engagement. Companies can use data gathered from sports analytics to identify which fans are more likely to purchase tickets or merchandise, as well as which fans are more likely to be loyal followers of the team. Companies can then use this data to create more personalized experiences for their fans, such as sending special offers or discounts to their most loyal fans.

In conclusion, sports analytics have become an essential tool for companies in the sports industry. By using data gathered from sports analytics, companies can better understand their target audience, create more effective pricing strategies, measure the effectiveness of their media presence, and improve customer engagement. All of these benefits can help companies increase their profits and create a better experience for their fans.

What Are the Future Prospects of Sports Analytics?

Sports analytics provides an invaluable service to teams, leagues, and athletes by helping them make data-driven decisions. As technology and data collection methods continue to evolve, the future of sports analytics looks very promising.

The future of sports analytics lies in the continued development of data systems that can provide accurate and reliable metrics. This could involve the use of sensors placed within stadiums and arenas to monitor the performance of athletes, or the use of artificial intelligence to analyze the data collected. This type of technology could provide a much greater level of detail than what is currently available, allowing teams to make more informed decisions.

One of the major challenges that the sports analytics industry faces is the cost of obtaining and analyzing data. Currently, the cost of data collection and analysis is estimated to be around $200,000 USD per year. This cost is expected to rise as new technology is incorporated into the industry, as well as the cost of hiring skilled data analysts.

In order to remain competitive in the sports analytics market, teams and leagues must invest in the development of new data systems and analytics tools. For example, the NBA’s Advanced Stats program, which was launched in 2013, has allowed teams to track and analyze a variety of metrics such as player performance, team performance, and even fan engagement. This program has been incredibly successful and has enabled teams to make more informed decisions.

Another exciting development in the field of sports analytics is the use of virtual reality (VR) technology. This technology can be used to create immersive and realistic simulations of sporting events, allowing teams to accurately analyze the performance of players and teams in a variety of situations. This technology has already been used by teams such as the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, who have used it to improve their performance on the court.

Finally, the continued use of data-driven decision-making will be an important part of the future of sports analytics. Teams, leagues, and athletes must become comfortable with using data to make decisions and take action. This means that data analysts will continue to be in high demand, as they are the ones who can interpret the data and provide the insights needed to make informed decisions.

The future of sports analytics is bright, and the industry is expected to continue to grow in the years to come. With the continued development of new technologies and data systems, teams and leagues will be able to make more informed decisions and gain a competitive advantage. In addition, data analysts will continue to be in demand, as they are the ones who can interpret the data and provide the insights needed to make successful decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of Sports Analytics?

The purpose of Sports Analytics is to use data-driven insights to make informed decisions about teams, players, and strategies. It helps organizations make strategic decisions, identify potential opportunities, and improve performance by analyzing trends in sports data. This data-driven approach can help teams gain an edge in the competitive landscape of sports.

How do Sports Analytics differ from traditional data analysis?

Sports analytics is a sub-field of data analysis that focuses specifically on analyzing sports data. It typically involves using sophisticated statistical techniques to better understand the performance of athletes, teams and leagues. Unlike traditional data analysis, sports analytics often looks at the game itself, analyzing data to gain insights into how to improve team performance. Sports analytics also uses predictive models to forecast outcomes and identify potential issues.

What are some of the most popular Sports Analytics tools?

Some of the most popular Sports Analytics tools include IBM Watson Sports Insights, STATS SportsVU, Opta Sports, SAP Sports One, and Oracle Cloud Sports Analytics. They are used to track player performance, analyze team strategies, and measure audience engagement. They offer features such as real-time analytics, advanced visualizations, and predictive analytics.

How can Sports Analytics be used to improve sports betting?

Sports analytics can be used to improve sports betting by providing data-driven insights into a team’s performance. This can help inform a better understanding of how a team’s performance is likely to change over time and provide an edge in predicting outcomes. Additionally, sports analytics can be used to better analyze player performance and identify which athletes are likely to make the most impact in a given game or season. This can help bettors make more informed decisions when placing wagers.

How accurate are Sports Analytics?

Sports analytics are becoming increasingly popular and reliable, as more and more data is being collected and analyzed. However, it is important to note that analytics should always be used in conjunction with the knowledge of experts in the field. While analytics can provide useful insights, they are not perfect and should be used as part of a larger decision-making process.

How can Sports Analytics help sports bettors make better decisions?

Sports analytics can help sports bettors make better decisions by providing them with a greater understanding of the data behind the sports they are betting on. This data can include key statistics, trends, and insights into the performance of athletes and teams. Through the use of sports analytics, bettors can gain a more comprehensive understanding of how their bets may play out, allowing them to make more informed decisions when placing their wagers.

What changes might we see in Sports Analytics in the future?

Sports Analytics will continue to become more sophisticated in the future as data collection and computing power continues to grow. We may see analytics used to better analyze player performance, team strategy, and game outcomes. Teams may also use analytics to create better training models and develop new approaches to scouting and recruiting. Additionally, analytics may be used to create more engaging fan experiences and to collect data on fan behavior.